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  • DevOps Engineer PT. DGIT Systems Indonesia Surabaya (Jawa Timur)
    IDR 11,000,000 - 22,000,000

    Automate everything, from infrastructure delivery to product deployments Enhance and maintain our existing CI/CD pipelines Assist in the design and implementation of the monitoring and logging components of our core product Work with developers, business analysts and product managers to drive product innovation Work closely with the DGIT Systems team to promote DevOps practices Develop a solid understanding of the Telflow microservice architecture Maintain DGIT Systems' data centre and cloud hosted infrastructure Assist customers with on-premise infrastructure and deployments (remotely) Work in an on-call roster to respond to out of hours incidents


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    about 2 years ago
  • Marketing PT. Web Media Technology Indonesia Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

    Planning and execution of influencer campaigns to drive performance of conversion and supporting marketing/brand to boost awareness of the Brand itself; Identify, draft list, outreach, and maintain communication with existing and potential new influencer partners; Own an influencer marketing strategy, and leverage data to drive actionable decisions that inform and help the business grow; Measure influences channel's performance, analyze and take measures to optimize and improve their performance; Monitoring, Evaluating, and reporting existing influencer marketing campaigns and partnerships, also executing initiatives to improve the campaign's success


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    about 2 years ago
  • Software Tester PT. DGIT Systems Indonesia Surabaya (Jawa Timur)
    IDR 8,000,000 - 14,000,000

    Write structured test plans, specifications, and test strategies. Plan test cycles, timeline, and resource allocation for each test cycle. Perform acceptance testing for new features, focused testing on a particular area of weakness, regression tests, thorough testing of tedious areas Contribute to the Testing Methodology Work closely with the project stakeholders and ensure requirements / user stories are clearly understood. Establish excellent communications channels with all Project stakeholders to ensure smooth project delivery. Document, implement, monitor, and enforce all processes for testing as per defined standards. Compile the test result in the test summary report and ensure the test summary kept up to date. Be flexible and responsive to fulfilling other related duties as required. Provide support to clients during the execution of UAT and BRT.


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    about 2 years ago
  • Software Automation QA PT. DGIT Systems Indonesia Surabaya (Jawa Timur)
    IDR 9,000,000 - 14,000,000

    Write automation tests for our APIs and other components. Write and execute performance tests to simulate large number of requests (1000’s per minute). Write data volume tests and test component scalability (10-20 million records). Use the latest tools to analyze performance and work out bottlenecks. Understand how to deploy our containerized microservice architecture. Work on integrating automation testing into our CI/CD pipeline. Execute test cases throughout a sequence of software releases. Establish excellent communications channels with development/technical staff. Work independently and be self-sufficient


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    about 2 years ago
  • Marketing Respresentative PT. Maesindo Indonesia Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

    Mampu analisa pasar secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif sebagai target kerja Menjaga dan meningkatkan volume penjualan Menyiapkan prospek klien baru Merekomendasikan strategi investasi yang sesuai dan menguntungkan untuk klien Menjalin komunikasi yang baik dengan pelanggan Mengelola client yang telah ada Memastikan pencapaian target penjualan Membuat laporan penjualan perusahaan Mampu membuat strategi dan Mempresentasikan ke atasan Melakukan edukasi langsung di Pasar Modern trade/ General trade/ Apotik / PBF


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    about 2 years ago
  • Sales Executive PT. Urogen Advanced Solutions Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

    Bertanggung jawab atas target yang diberikan Memasarkan produk alat kesehatan yaitu alat-alat Radiology, Instrument Bedah, alat-alat lab kepada customer atau Rumah Sakit Membuat plan dan laporan harian kepada atasan yaitu Sales Manager sebagai evaluasi Menjalankan pekerjaan secara profesional, jujur dan bertanggung jawab


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    about 2 years ago
  • Finance Accounting Manager PT. Dinamika Expressindo Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

    • Can coordinating with related staff / or divisions well • Check and supervise purchasing activities • Responsible for managing the company's trade payable data • Record the payment of the company's trade payables • Make monthly debt reports • Perform neat billing document archiving • Prepare a list of bills and their support document • Manage customer accounts receivable data based on printed invoices • Monitor and controlling customer accounts • Follow up billing on invoices that are due • Make biweekly accounts receivable reports • Have good communication in customer billing


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    about 2 years ago
  • Sales Sinar Mas Land Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

    Perform intensive marketing research to identify potential new market and opportunities Build strong network to ensure sales performance Maintain existing accounts and establishes new accounts database by planning and organizing daily work schedule to call on existing or potential sales opportunity, including canvassing if necessary Doing the call the market the product and services available to the customer Establishing corporate clients’ database by presenting company profiles to corporate contacts Achieve target sets by the company


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    about 2 years ago
  • Sales Houseware PT. Mitra Mulia Makmur Surabaya (Jawa Timur)


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    about 2 years ago
  • SPB/SPG PT. Auto Teknologi Indonesia (Hurricane XCS) Surabaya (Jawa Timur)
    IDR 6,000,000 - 7,000,000

    • Memberikan informasi produk kepada customer. • Menjual produk dan melayani customer dengan sopan dan baik. • Menyusun dan membersihkan display produk sesuai ketentuan yang ada. • Memastikan dan menjaga kondisi stock yang ada. • Membuat laporan penjualan. • Mempromosikan product event yang sedang berjalan. • Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik kepada customer. • Memahami keunggulan product. • Mampu bekerja team/individu.


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    about 2 years ago