Philippines AirAsia Inc.

Company Overview

We were founded on a dream: to make flying affordable for everyone. AirAsia pioneered the simple, smart and efficient low-cost airline model in Asia. Today, we want to make frictionless digital travel a reality for everyone. This means tapping the potential of our data with technology to: Lower fares even more. Beyond optimising our flight pricing algorithm, we’re constantly digitalising different areas of the business for the benefit of our guests. Minimise travel time. We want to make travelling seamless. We’re constantly working on travel tech innovations, including FACES - Malaysia’s first biometric facial recognition technology in Senai Airport. Personalise travel. The best kind of experience is one that is designed around you. We want to make it even easier for our guests to customise their flight experience down to the finer details. Make our guests happier. The way we travel will continue evolving. We strive to make our guests happy through relevant insights, personalised engagement and ambient technology.

Why join us?

Being an Allstar means being part of the family. As families should be, we look out for you, your career and aspirations as well as your immediate family. Given this, AirAsia cares about your Career (progression opportunity, Examination leave, etc.), Health and Wellness (personal accident and term life insurance coverage) and Inner Wanderlust (yearly free flight coupons and up to 90% discounts on Concession Travel!).


Company Snapshot




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Location 2nd floor Festival Mall Alabang EMAIL : Entrance, Alabang, Muntinlupa, Metro Manila, Philippines
Manila - Luzon - Philippines