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PT. Rajatec Nusantara

Company Overview

PT. Rajatec Nusantara is trading company with brands products : Cutting Tool by Ssangyong Korea, Widin Korea, ZZSM China, sheet metal by Wilson Tools USA and measuring tool by Asimeto. Established in 20 June 2000 under name CV. Rajawali Technica. With determination to make this company become big then we change our company status from CV. (Personal small company) to PT (Pte Ltd), so PT. Rajatec Nusantara was created in 17 September 2003

Why join us?

We have a corporate culture that is creative and innovative employees who make us happy - work hard and play hard! We provide a clear understanding of what the company's business priorities


Company Snapshot

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Location Jl. Industri selatan VIII Blok EE 7G Jababeka II, Pasirsari, Cikarang Sel., Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530
Bekasi - Jawa Barat - Indonesia