PT. Multimoda Guna Mandiri

Company Overview

MGM Logistics was established to transform its Textile Holding Company logistics division to a full blown 3 & 4PL logistics service provider to serve new customers and new industries to broaden its reach in the logistics market.

Why join us?

Our vision is to be an unique 3 and 4PL logistics provider focusing on niche industry verticals by tapping on our broad logistics expertise in the garment, textile and raw materials business core. Our mission is to provide the necessary financial substance to sustain the company and its employees and to meet our customers’ requirements through smart collaboration, providing highly flexible quality services, considering total logistics cost control and the development of our human capital.


Company Snapshot

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Location Jl. Kapten Tendean No.24 Mampang Perapatan, Jakarta 12720 – Indonesia
Jakarta Timur - Jakarta - Indonesia